Ko te aroha tō tātou Whakatakanga:ko te Whānau e Kaha Ora ana
Love is our Mission: the Family Fully Alive Ko te aroha tō tātou Whakatakanga: ko te
Whānau e Kaha Ora ana is a resource for NZ families that condenses thousands of
years of Catholic teaching on human purpose, marriage and the family. It is based
on the preparatory catechism of the same title from the 8th World Meeting of
Families held in Philadelphia in September 2015.
The World Meeting of Families is the largest global family gathering bringing
together families from all over the world in faith and celebration. It was conceived by
St. John Paul II in 1992 to look at strengthening the sacred bonds of the family unit across the globe.
The resource consists of:
10 topics that summarize what Catholics believe about human purpose, marriage and family;
Short reflections on each topic by Catholic New Zealanders that are engaged in ministry to families;
Discussion questions; and
Supplementary videos that feature a keynote address or talk by a resource person from the 8th World Meeting of Families that delves into and sheds light into each particular topic.
This resource is recommended for families, parishes and Christian communities. It is suggested that they read through the book and tackle each of the ten topics at a time and place that is convenient for them. This can be done in the sanctuary of one’s home or in a community centre or parish or by a small or large group of people. The reading of each topic is followed by the viewing of the video that relates to it and then a reading of the reflection and the questions for group discussion.
Created for Joy
The Mission of Love
The Meaning of Human Sexuality
Two Become One
Creating the Future
All Love Bears Fruit
Light in a Dark World
A Home for the Wounded Heart
Caring for Creation
Choosing Life
Artwork by